Monday, June 9, 2008

Free Fitness Program: Buying the Right Trampoline For You

Deciding to buy a trampoline is not a very difficult task. However, it does require you to follow a particular procedure so you can buy the right trampoline for you! Enjoy the fun experience of buying a trampoline by taking note of the following useful advice in order to make the process that much easier.

No Need to Rush

You do not need to feel overwhelmed over the large variety of trampolines for sale and also do not need to rush the purchasing process. The range of styles available on the market includes enclosed trampolines, gymnastic trampolines, and children's trampolines. Before making any kind of decision in regard to the trampoline you purchase, always ensure you do sufficient research before hand. It is best to begin by researching the various kinds of trampolines available and what kind of users and usage they are designed for. Some trampolines are great for gymnastics training whereas others may be more suitable as a jumping rebounder. So spend some time researching which kind of trampoline is best fitted to your needs.

Don't Jump the Gun

When buying a trampoline, comparing prices is crucial. Buying the first trampoline you see for sale is definitely not the way of going about your purchase. There are many good deals available so take your time and purchase a trampoline that you are truly happy with instead of choosing something you will regret buying

Awesome Accessories

Even though a majority of accessories are available to you after you have purchased your trampoline, good advice would be to buy them at the same time you buy your trampoline. A perfect example of why it is recommended is because when buying a net for instance, at a later stage, end up being a different size to that of your trampoline, and not fit. However, if you buy a net enclosure with your trampoline, it can be evaluated to be the relevant size so it is guaranteed that it fits on your trampoline.

Getting Started

Once you have purchased the trampoline that is right for you it is time to set it up and let the fun begin. First and foremost, follow all the directions correctly and make sure that the trampoline is sturdy and steady on the ground and assembled properly.

By following all of these procedures, you can enjoy safe, fun trampolining!

Author Bio: is one of the leading Trampolines websites in the UK and a brand name of TCW Plc a successful on-line and mail order retailer.

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Free Fitness Program: Dancing is Great Exercise

Have you been told by your doctor that you need to lose some weight and this means less food and more exercise? That is what a lot of other people have been hearing from their doctor too. Obesity in this country is skyrocketing because we eat too many of the wrong things and then do not get the right kinds of exercise. We might be give out at the end of the day from working our jobs, but many jobs can be tiring and still not work all of our muscles adequately.

A good exercise routine will encompass using all of your muscle groups in some way. Exercise can allow you to relieve tension in some of the places that might seem like they have been worked hard enough already. Tension filled shoulder and neck muscles are notorious for feeling strained. When you apply the right muscle moving techniques while you exercise, it can actually relieve this tension and make them feel better.

Dancing is something that people usually do just for fun. When we get older we might think our dancing days are gone forever when actually it could be just the cure we need. Ask your doctor first and if you are healthy enough to try it, you should. Dancing is fun and you can listen to some great music while you get your heart pumping.

The thing about dancing for exercise is that you can pick your rhythm by the music that you dance to. If it has been a while since you have cut a rug, maybe you should start out with something a little slow. Be sure to do some muscle stretching before you start. Buying or renting exercise videos like those by Richard Simmons and others are a good way to discover which dance moves to incorporate in your workout.

Many women like to take lessons in belly dancing. This type of dancing is not as strenuous as it good for targeting specific muscle groups that are hard areas to tone in many cases like the abdomen, rear end, and thighs. It is also very good for the marriage too. Learning to belly dance can definitely make you feel young and sexy again.

If you do not want to dance in front of others, make it a personal thing. You can find a place and pick a time when no one else is around and just get down. You will probably enjoy it more than you think. Just be careful and do not get into it so much that you throw something out of place.

Article source: galaxywd

Free Fitness Program: Choosing a Personal Fitness and Nutrition Trainer by: Hut Allred A personal fitness and nutrition trainer

A personal fitness and nutrition trainer can help you enter a race where there's no engraved cup or money award at the finish line. Unlike the Thoroughbreds racing at the local park, you will be running for your very life instead. Fitness and nutrition are the keys to a quality long life.

Racing for Fitness

Almost 60% of people in the United States are overweight or obese. The consequences of having too much fat on your body can be severe. Obesity is a major cause of many serious illnesses including Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and even certain forms of cancer.

It's hard to maintain a fitness routine on your own. On top of that you are bombarded with advertisements selling unhealthy food and gadgets and inventions that actually result in less physical activity. The perfect examples are kids playing electronic games for hours instead of baseball or soccer. There are bigger and better computers and TVs promoting lifestyles with little exercise time included.

Sedentary lifestyles are not good for the body, and neither is junk food. But everyone lives extremely busy lives and fitness and nutrition often take a low priority. A personal fitness and nutrition trainer can help you rearrange your priorities so you place your health top of the list.

When you are young, it's easy to believe good health is forever. But as you age, the truth is slowly revealed. Metabolisms slow naturally. Fat accumulates after years of eating meals with little nutritional value.

Free radicals form unimpeded because the diet has consistently lack antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. Other diseases eventually take root. For example, lack of exercise increases the chances of developing osteoporosis.

Finding Your Stride

A personal fitness and nutrition trainer can assist you in a number of ways beginning with an assessment of your current fitness level. A personal trainer will work with to establish mutual goals including measures of progress such as weight loss or inches loss.

Personal fitness and nutrition includes the following:
  • Evaluating current dietary habits and making necessary changes
  • Calculating the body mass index (BMI)
  • Establishing an exercise routine that fits your lifestyle
  • Develop a strength training program
  • Tracking progress and making necessary adjustments as you progress
Using a personal fitness and nutrition trainer can help you stay motivated as you begin the race for your life. The quality of your life in your senior years is directly related to the level of fitness you maintain in your younger years. It becomes clearer with each medical study that problems associated with aging are as much a consequence of poor nutrition as they are of the aging process itself.

Utilizing the services of a personal fitness and nutrition trainer only makes sense if you're ready to get serious about your health. Racing for the grand prize of good health means finding your "fitness stride".

You don't have to work out 8 hours a day to stay fit and healthy. You do have to exercise regularly and watch what you eat. A personal fitness and nutrition trainer can be the key to your success.

Article source: Hut Allred

Free Fitness Program: Build Your Own Fitness Home Gym

If you are looking to build a home gym this year, there are some important criteria that should be taken into consideration. A good home gym offers versatility, the ability to have a few pieces of exercise equipment perform a wide variety of exercises. It must be durable and be able to handle the rigors of hard resistance training over a long period of time. Exercise equipment shouldn't take up a lot of space. There are many exercises you can do with your own body weight and a mat, so the home gym equipment shouldn't clutter up the workout space, nor be difficult to store. Finally it should be affordable. No one likes investing in a $1000 home gym just to use it as a coat rack or have it collecting dust in the corner within 3 months. This list of exercise equipment should offer solutions in each category listed above and it should provide a challenging and fun workout environment.

Exercise Ball

One of the most versatile pieces of exercise equipment, the exercise ball can be used in place of a bench for any supine or seated exercise. The exercise ball comes in a variety of sizes and depending on brand, is made of varying material. Because of the stress placed on a ball during a workout, it is important to look for a ball that is burst proof and it will not pop under you during a workout. To obtain the right size, a ball that sits with your hips and knees at 90 degrees is most likely what you should use for a majority of the exercises. For most, a 55cm or 65cm ball is sufficient. An exercise ball can be purchased for around $25-$60.

The exercise ball will provide an element of instability that cannot be duplicated by a bench; therefore you can improve core stability, and strengthen the integrity of your joints including shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. The more stable you become, the stronger you will be and will drastically reduce the incidence of injury.


A good home gym isn't complete without a few sets of dumbbells. 5-50lbs in increments of 5 will make a complete set for every type of exercise. Dumbbells are good for full body exercises that resist gravity. Exercises such as lunges, squats, shoulder press, bicep curl and chest press are just a few on the list of dumbbell exercises. They are durable, versatile, and a good set will last you a lifetime. A good set of dumbbells may cost $50-$100 for 3-4 sets of varying weight.

Foam Roll

A hard foam cylinder is used for self myfascial release, or self massage. A supplement to stretching, a foam roll can help to increase flexibility in a way that stretching cannot. In addition, it can help to relieve knots and adhesions within muscle tissue. If you don't like being sore after a workout, a foam roll can help to alleviate the soreness and therefore should be a staple item for your home gym. Invest $20 in a good foam roll that will take away your pain and soreness after a tough workout.


The Xerdisc is an air filled rubber disc used for improving balance, and stability. The same exercises that you do while standing (ie..shoulder press, squat, bicep curl) can all be done while standing on an Exerdisc. Improving joint integrity and balance will allow you to become a more stable, stronger individual and the exercises are fun and challenging. It can also be used for ab exercises such as crunches, and anything you can do to make ab exercises harder has to be good! A quality Xerdisc may run about $40.


Tubing comes in a variety of sizes based on the level of tension you want. Tubing can be used for most exercises in place of dumbbells and they will provide a variable tension. The plus side to using tubing is that you can gain resistance from a lateral position that dumbbells cannot provide. Exercises such as wood chops, torso twists, and pulling exercises like the bent row and lat pull are just a few that you can do with tubing that you can't get with other forms or resistance. Tubing is also safe for seniors looking to stay active as there is no risk of dropping the weight. Tubing is color coded in relation to the resistance it provides. I suggest 3-5 different tubes from thin to thick to give you opportunity to perform many exercises with small and large muscle groups. They are usually about $5-$8 a piece and can be used around doorknobs, in door jams and any other stationary post.

This exercise equipment should provide everyone from the novice to the advanced, a well rounded home gym that you can invest in for less than $200 total. The level of versatility, durability, and challenge that is provided by these pieces of equipment is unmatched by any single unit you can buy, and should give you years of workouts that can be changed and progressed as you continue to get into better and better shape. Consult with your personal trainer as to what exercise equipment may be best for your home gym.

Article source: Charles Carter

Free Fitness Program: 5 Fitness Lessons

Can I share a quick secret with you?

You may not know this, but at the age of 30, I'm a war veteran. That's right, I served, sweated and ran (INCOMING!) when necessary in Iraq serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. During that time, I saw first- hand why America is proud to be the land of the free, home of the brave. If there's one thing I've learned about being in the military, it's that military members, no matter what they're background, all serve to better themselves, their country and to fulfill their sense of duty.

Now, when I first enlisted in the military is wasn't all roses - not by a long shot. The first few years were somewhat difficult for me simply because, well, it took some time getting used to. But over the years (wow, 7 years went by FAST!) I've come to realize there are a lot of lessons I've learned that I can not only apply to everyday life, but to training also. Here are few of those lessons I'd like to share with you:

1. Always focus on the goal

In any military unit you participate in whether you're active duty, guard, or reserve, you will be tasked to complete a mission. No good commander will ever send his people out without making sure they understand how important it is they focus on completing the objective. The same should go with your fitness program. Each time you step in the gym, you should know what you're there for. Everything you do during your workout should be to directly affect that particular goal.

2. Never Give Up

Far too many people give up well before they see any results. United States Marines live by, "SEMPER FI, DO OR DIE! HOOAH!!" (gotta love Marines). Although it's a very gung-ho way of looking at things, you shouldn't give up until you achieve the goal. Giving up before you've realized any progress is a sure-fire way to failure and you certainly shouldn't give up before you've actually seen results.

3. Plan your work, and work your plan.

That's a good ole' sayin' that's been around for quite a while. If you want to see what a truly confused individual looks like, just walk into any gym and ask someone who spends most of their time looking around what their workout plan is like.

As a Las Vegas personal trainer, I'm asked to write programs for people often. Now, don't think that a workout is just a "workout" to give you something to do. No sirree. A designed workout is a specific plan of action to help you achieve a particular goal, whether it's weight loss or weight gain. The best way to succeed with a fitness program? Follow it.

4. Take Time To relax and enjoy yourself

I'll never forget the time I deployed to Iraq. It was stressful, long, tedious, and an emotional roller coaster day-in and out. However, since my superiors realized this, everyone was given time off without being charged leave so they could rest and revitalize themselves. Now if you think about it, most of us need some time to unwind and relax after a hard day's work! Now, if you can imagine what that feels like to push your body hard for weeks and weeks on end without rest.

Eventually, your body would break down and that's not what you want. Your body can only take so much stress for so long so you need to take time off and relax. Usually 4-5 weeks into your program is ideal. Take a week off, relax, enjoy your time and come back the next week ready to go. You'll usually find that you're able to lift more and contract your muscles harder! And you know what that means...more results!

5. Make It A Part of your life

Although many people have a hard time admitting it, the military is a part of their life. It's been a part of mine for the past seven years. It hasn't been 'peaches-and-cream' the entire time, but the biggest lesson I've learned is to adapt the military to my way of life. You've got to do the same with your fitness program. Trying to "fit-in-a-workout-when-you-can" is difficult. However, if you make it a part of your life and you're able to always have time to train without thinking about it, you're on your way.

Article source: Lee Smith

Free Fitness Program: 5 New Turbulence Training Exercises

Gone are the days when you could spend an hour in the weight room and another 30 minutes doing cardio. With kids, there's just no time to even drive to the gym, let alone workout for more than 20 minutes. But by using the most convenient exercise equipment available – your own bodyweight – you can burn belly fat fast. And you can get your muscle definition back with simple bodyweight exercises.

So, you can forget the fancy machines, expensive gym memberships, or sharing equipment with sweaty strangers. You can forget about not spending enough time with your wife or kids. You can do this workout when you wake up or before you go to sleep. You can do this bodyweight training circuit at home before or after work. You can even close your office door and do this entire workout while everyone else is out for lunch.

5 Bodyweight Training Exercises to Help the Busiest Executives Reduce Stress & Lose Fat Fast:

1. The Prisoner Squat

This turbulence training bodyweight exercise stretches your chest and works your entire body, including your upper back (an area of stress for many busy dads).

To perform this exercise, start with your hands behind your head, and elbows back. Pull your shoulder blades together to exercise your upper back and relieve your stress. Start with your feet shoulder width apart, and push your hips back and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Sit back as if you were sitting into a chair. Pause briefly at the bottom and stand back up to the start position. Do this fifteen times.

2. The Decline Pushup

This turbulence training body weight exercise is a harder variation of the regular pushup. To effectively perform this exercise, place your feet on a bench, chair, or step, so your feet are at least 6 inches off the ground. Start with your hands just wider than shoulder width apart. Brace your abs, and bend your arms to lower your chest to the floor. Stop one inch above the ground and press back up to the start position. Do this fifteen times. Feel the burn and see how ready you are for the busy day or night ahead of you.

3. Split Squats

Follow the pushup with a set of split squats. To complete this turbulence training bodyweight exercise, step one leg forward. Move your other leg back so it looks like you are making a slightly larger than normal step. Do this close to a wall so you can use your hands for balance if necessary.

Now, balance on your front foot and on the ball of your back foot. Your back heel will be off the ground for the entire exercise. Bend your back knee. Start the movement by dropping your hips straight down until your back knee is two inches above the ground. Press through your front leg to stand back up. Do eight repetitions for one leg and then switch sides and repeat.

4. Mountain Climbers

This turbulence training bodyweight exercise works your abs, your chest, and your legs. Get into the pushup position. Brace your abs. Now lift one foot and bring your knee to your chest. Touch the foot down, and then return it to the start position. Alternate sides and complete ten repetitions for each side.

5. Stick Ups

To finish the circuit, you will do a turbulence training bodyweight exercise called "Stick-ups". Stand with your feet six inches from the wall. Now place your back, butt and head flat against the wall. Put your arms overhead as if someone told you to "Stick-em up!"

Keep your hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders against the wall. Now slowly slide your arms down the wall and tuck your elbows into your sides. Again, keep your arms and back against the wall. No cheating! Do this exercise twelve times.

Do these five exercises in a circuit, without resting between exercises. When you've completed the circuit once, rest one or two minutes and repeat the circuit two more times. You'll feel great, boost your metabolism, and sculpt your body without spending a penny.

Article source: Craig Ballantyne

Free Fitness Program: Fitness and Exercise Guide And Advice

According to few insulin levels play the largest role in losing weight. Other experts determine that our body type is the key to finding the proper exercises and diet plans that work with the body. To find out your body type you will need to talk to your doctor, or else visit the World Wide Net to find answers to your questions. Other details are available over the Internet that can help you decide on which diet is best for you, as well as which exercises works best with your body.

To achieve a healthier status and maintain weight diet must combine with exercise, since one without the other will not work. Combining healthy provisions with correct exercises can bring you good health and physical fitness, which will enhance your quality of life. It will also help you keep your body’s zone to a level.

The body and mind is complicated, however both work together to produce results. Many experts, including theorists, doctors, scientist, and philosophers are continuing to find answers to the body’s functions.

Some of the confusion comes when people diet, exercise and take care of them self, yet they still gain weight. Barry Sears wrote a compelling book titled A Week in the Zone, which produced some outstanding advice. Some of the information in the book helps us to decide on exercises and diets that suit us best, since insulin plays a large part in healthier living. The author lets us know that the hormones consequence of intakes of carbohydrates and caloric differ from the hormones that produce protein and calories. , he continues letting us know that the effects of hormones that produce fats and calories too differ in the direction of health. (p. 3)

The author brings us to see that a balance is needed, yet the balance is factored by the different hormonal levels. Thus, eating healthy, giving the body proper fluids and exercising is the only answer to living a productive and quality lifestyle.

One of the biggest setbacks that people adhere to is making excuses to avoid dieting and exercise. Countless of people find it easier said than done to stick with diet and exercise programs that facilitates them to remain healthy while maintaining weight.

One of the largest reasons is that most people do not understand their body and its type, or have difficulty adhering to a schedule. One of the largest reasons why this happens is that many people find it difficult to plan, set goals that work, and find solutions that help the person maintain a schedule. The threesome is the ultimate tools for working toward good health and fitness. If you are uncertain of the types of exercises, this too can hold you back. Walking up and down the stairs is an aerobic exercise. Mowing the lawn is another type of exercise. Anytime the body is in motion, producing actions it is exercising. Lifting 12’ ounces of beer is not an exercise. Alcohol if overused will affect the body and mind dramatically.

Article source: Peter Curtis

Free Fitness Program: How Do You Get Your Exercise

Some people might believe that they are getting plenty of exercise everyday just getting there job done and doing all the running around that is required of us in our day to day life. Even though you might feel exhausted a lot of the time, much of that feeling can come from the emotional toll that a hectic life can put on us. When you are physically out of shape, it can make our daily routine even harder to cope with.

The best way to look and feel younger is to get enough of the right kind of exercise. You need exercise that will work many of the muscles in your body that may not be getting enough work out just from routine activities like sitting all day at a desk or cleaning the house. When all of your muscles are toned evenly, your body will function better as a whole.

The diet you eat also contributes to how well you look and feel. When you are not eating the right kinds of food, it can cause you to feel sluggish especially when your digestive system is not functioning correctly. Proper exercise done regularly will also help your digestion. It will take a combination of diet and exercise to achieve your best emotionally as well as physically.

There are so many different ways for people to get exercise. Some people prefer to go to a gym a few times a week, but this can be time consuming and a hassle to work into your schedule sometimes when you stay busy. Others like to invest in some nice home exercise equipment because it is more convenient and available anytime they have the opportunity to get in a little exercise.

Many people will just use the old fashioned method of exercising. This will include sit ups, knee bends, lunges, jogging in place, and other tried and true ways to tone muscles and burn calories. Sporting activities such as tennis, basketball, or swimming are all great forms of exercise that will get your cardio vascular system working.

It does not matter what type of exercise program you choose as long as you know it will meet with the approval of your doctor and it is always best to discuss your activities when you make a visit to your doctor. As we grow older, there may be some activities we may need to limit or be more careful of. The one thing that is not good is to never exercise at all.

Article source: galaxywd

Free Fitness Program: Keeping Fit With Medicine Balls

Many sports require activities that could arguably be described as explosive; a pitcher throwing a pitch in baseball, a player taking a slap shot in hockey and many others as well. While weight training is a good way to develop the muscles required for these types of actions, medicine ball training has been getting more popular by the minute. It is also a great program for the everyday fitness enthusiast to include into their daily regimen, at home or the gym.

A medicine ball is a large, weighted sphere that adds weight resistance to activities when they are performed using the medicine ball. Medicine ball training is sometimes preferable to weight training because weight exercises are very rigid in their technique whereas training with a medicine ball is a bit more fluid, allowing a person to mimic actions they might make during their sport in their training session.

Starting a medicine ball exercise program does not have to be difficult and indeed with careful planning by the instructor and hard work by the athlete, a 45-minute program can be devised that will not only work all of the muscles that the athlete/fitness enthusiast needs worked, but will also give them a great workout that not only benefits them but is also safe.

It is extremely important, just as it is with weight training, to go through warm up exercises first. These could include stretches or light cardio, but are necessary in order to prevent workout injuries. Likewise, a cool down period after training is required to prevent the cramping up of muscles as well as further potential injuries.

As far as the workout goes, the actual movements that are done are somewhat flexible but there are a few things that should be kept in mind. Firstly, different weights of medicine balls should be kept around and the athlete should start with the lighter weights and gradually build up to the heavier ones over the course of the workout.

Secondly, alternate body parts (like arms or legs) should be exercised in medicine ball training and the exercises done should mimic real life movements in order to get the full benefits. Lastly, try to arrange the workout so that you start with the easier, lower-movement exercises and work your way up to the ones with more movement and intensity.

Before we progress into some of the more specific exercise techniques, there are a few safety concerns that must be addressed. Medicine balls are bulky and heavy and for this reason if not handled properly could result in potential injury. Always be sure that you fully extend your arms when throwing the ball and have a solid braced position with feet firmly on the ground during a throw or catch. Additionally, if you are new to medicine ball training do not overextend yourself; such overextension may result in severe injury.

Generally speaking, the previous paragraph applies general technique points to all exercises. Below are a few general exercises that may be performed during training.


Torso Twists: Two athletes stand back to back and pass the ball between themselves by twisting their torso to do so.

Curls: Can work various muscles, but the two most common are hamstring curls and abdominal curls. Abdominal curls work like a normal two-way curl, except the medicine ball is held in place by the athlete's knees.

Chest Pushes: The athlete holds the ball to their chest and then pushes it out (similar to a chest pass in basketball), propelling it to their partner. This exercise works the same muscle groups as doing a pushup, but is considerably easier to do.

Medicine ball training can be a very rewarding addition to your training sessions, but only if both you and your trainer understand the proper exercise techniques. Do research before hand, figure out a proper training program and practice techniques at lighter weights and slower paces before diving into the full workout regimen.

Scott White is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist. In addition to owning one of the top Personal Trainer | Personal Training websites he is also the owner of many other companies. Including White Incorporated.

Article Source:

Free Fitness Program: Sex Appeal and Physical Fitness

Because we LOVE to eat and won’t diet we spend at least an hour and a half walking every day. Nearly two miles of it is a steep grade. The locals call it heart attack hill. As former runners with arthritic joints, we view the challenge as a way to get a runner’s high without additional joint damage.

But the other big payoff is we look decades younger than we really are. Our bodies don’t have layers of flabby, unattractive fat deposits. A bikini is still possible for me and I don’t have to wear “Mom jeans”. Additionally, my legs with their long, smooth muscles are sexy enough to turn heads everywhere we go. Even our abdominal muscles are tighter.

Walking for exercise has a number of benefits.

  1. It helps regulate weight without unpleasant dieting.
  2. Walking is good exercise regardless of age.
  3. Walking can improve heart health and diabetes. If you did ever have a heart attack, you are much more likely to survive.
  4. Endorphins cause the runner high and help alleviate depression. It’s also a great time to step away from problems, think more clearly and come up with solutions.
  5. Walking is a pleasant way to spend time with your lover and your dog.
  6. Losing weight and gaining a leaner, more muscular body can make a big difference in how attractive any body looks.
  7. A stronger, healthier body will insure you feel like getting naked and making love.

Your walking goal should be about 4 miles a day (it doesn’t have to be all at once), but even a much shorter distance will make you look and feel better. An additional step for sex appeal and body strengthening and shaping is weight training. Lifting weights and weight training will help keep your body strong and attractive into old age. It also raises your metabolism so you loose weight while eating the same amount of food.

Such a big part of physical attraction is essential strength. At least some people who become sexually dysfunctional and/or in need of nursing care at a young age are literally too weak to care for themselves. Like my grandpa used to say, “If you sit down, you’ll freeze up.”

Don’t freeze up. Get moving and find your sex appeal.

article source: Georgette Pauls

Free Fitness Program: Summer Cycling - Good Clothing

Cycling through the summer months offers us a chance to ditch those heavy jerseys and expose a little more skin to the elements. Longer daylight hours and an end to icy roads means that more and more fair weather cyclists will dust off the bike perhaps in an effort to drop a few pounds built up over winter. Anyone who's regularly ridden though all four seasons will know that while summer, in Britain at least, offer some rest bite from the extreme cold and rain, it's still a far cry from total shorts and t-shirts. Even min-summer can still surprise us with flash floods and chilly wet conditions. This is not to say the sun doesn't shine. In the space of a day the weathers can flip several times from stiflingly hot and dry, to overcast and grey.

This means that selecting effective cycle clothing can be a bit of a challenge. Staying dry from those showers of rain without over heating can be a real headache. With lots of clothing options on the market, it should now be possible to find some good solutions without busting your budget. Lightweight waterproof jackets with mesh ventilation are a good choice, coupled with under garments that offer rapid moisture transfer. For warm but shower days there are even rather attractive short-sleeved garments that'll give you both waterproof and breathable features along with additional ventilation. Assuming we are not always battling flash downpours and the sun looks set for the day, really lightweight rain jackets that easily fit in a back pocket or bag are still a good idea to have to hand.

Cyclists are constantly fighting against their own body heat and moisture build-up whilst also keeping wind-chill at bay. Climbing a few hills will soon increase body temperature but freewheeling down the other side can soon bring on a chill. While there is no perfect solution to these kinds of extremes, high wicking jerseys made from fabrics such as AirBase™ will certainly help on the way up the climb, with windproof garments giving good protection for long descents. Shorts too can offer similar fast wicking, often made from lightweight Polyamide and Lycra. Forget the kind of, so-called, 'cycle shorts' often available in sports shops; instead look for good quality cycling shorts with a padded insert for you bottom. Options specifying 3Mi™, Coolmax®, Meryl®, Mono-Lith are a few of the names to look out for. These will generally offer you much more comfort than cheaper options; something you'll appreciate after several hours on the road. For those who want something a little more relaxed there are plenty of shorts that look like regular shorts you'd wear to the beach, but still with a discrete padded insert.

As with many sports today, garment options have exploded in both variety and choice. Being particularly fashion conscious, cyclists have never been short of attractive clothing options to part them from their cash. With the sport of cycling currently enjoying something of a growth spurt, aided in part by the interest in triathlons, mountain biking and general leisure cycling; as you might expect, there are now some great products specifically aimed at ladies and children. While many garments are reasonably unisex in any case, it's nevertheless good to see the increasing choices that may appeal to the different sexes. Unisex is no use if you're a 7 year old, but again there are some good choices now, ranging form jerseys, waterproofs, shorts, leggings and gloves etc.

Article Source:

Free Fitness Program: The Benefits of Exercise Equipment at Home

For many years now different inventers have been coming up with all kinds of equipment that can help you with exercise. Some of them, like the treadmill, stay around for a while and become a staple in many exercise routines. They are convenient to have at home or use in a gym. You can use them without leaving home and get in a good long walk at different paces all while you watch television, listen to music or even read if you like.

Today there are several different varieties of equipment that can target all different muscles and help along the strengthening and toning process a little faster than some traditional exercises. If you are fortunate enough to be able to have one of these new fangled exercise pieces in your home, it makes it easy to work out several times a week. They are convenient because instead of having a lot of different pieces of equipment that work out different parts of the body like you would find in a gym, most exercises can be done with this one piece of equipment.

The range in pricing can vary for this kind of equipment. The really top of the line stuff can run you several thousand dollars, but supposedly they are worth it if you want to have a buff body that bulges in all the right places. You can use them as much or a little as you like to obtain the results that best suits you. Most of these multi purpose exercise units come with good warranties and are built to last for years or a lifetime.

If you had rather have pieces that are designed specifically to target certain areas, you can get rowing machines for legs and arms, there are stair climbers, pieces designed just for the abdomen, and more. You can often incorporate one or more of these less expensive pieces of equipment with a regular exercise routine and get some great results. Just keep in mind that some of the less expensive pieces might not hold up as well, but if they do not make sure that the warranty is effective and use it for a refund or replacement if you need to.

Staying fit physically is important to our over all health and many people find that having good exercise equipment to use is a great motivator. Do and use whatever is necessary for you stay healthier by maintaining a regular exercise program of some kind.

Free Fitness Program: Tips to Buying the Correct Exercise Equipment

Have you decided to begin an exercise regiment, but are overwhelmed by the different types of exercise equipment on the market today. It can range in price from about Thirty dollars up into the thousands. If you can afford some of the high end products that is great, but if you can not, do not lose hope.

If you are buying some of the expensive stuff, make sure you check out the warranties that come with it. You will want to be sure it is guaranteed to last a long while since it might take a lot of abuse while in use. Another thing is making sure it is something that you will actually use on a regular basis. People will sometimes invest a large sum of money in expensive equipment and then decide that it is not as much fun or beneficial as they thought. You also have to have ample room to store some of the monstrous exercise equipment that will do a little bit of everything.

You can invest in less expensive pieces of equipment that will only target one or two particular areas. These can be beneficial if you have problem areas that you find especially difficult to tone such as the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks. These can be trouble spots for many people and something that localizes those areas can be just what you need. Just remember that sometimes you do get what you pay for.

If you want to start exercising with equipment on a really less expensive scale, there are a lot of things around the home that work really well. A simple set of steps are great for legs and buttocks. A large ball is often used to work out the abdomen muscles. A small set of dumb bells are good for walking to add a little extra resistance. Just playing a game of basketball or tennis with friends can provide you with a good muscle stretching work out.

Exercise can be fun when you just know how. The majority of people resist the thought of exercise because it reminds them too much of work and it is in a sense. It can be what you make of it. If equipment makes you feel like you are getting a more targeted successful work out, then by all means buy a few pieces. If you can not afford it, go to a gym or find other simpler methods to use. They main thing about exercise is just getting some.

Article source: galaxywd